The symposium schedule for 2007 interTEXTILE(Shanghai) | ||
10月30日上午10.30 Morning | ||
主講人:意大利對外貿易委員會 Topic: The senses of Excellence Speaker: Italian Trade Commission | |
VIFF 08/09秋冬女裝及面料流行趨勢 主講人:楊勝男 國際紡織品流行趨勢責任編輯 中國紡織信息中心 Topic: 08/09 A/W VIFF Womenswear and Fabric Trends speaker: Ms. Yang Shengnan Editor in charge of VIEW International Fashion & Fabrics ChinaTextile Information Center | |
2008/09秋冬中國流行面料趨勢 主講人:中國紡織信息中心 Topic: 2008/09Autumn/Winter“Fabrics China” Trend Speaker: China Textile Information Center | |
12:00-12:40 |
LenzingOccupied If this speech is canceled, the session time of this morning will be from 10:00 to 12:20 | |
10月30日下午10.30 Afternoon | ||
從種子到紡織品----杜邦TMSorona(R)的綠色新思路 主講人:杜邦中國集團有限公司 Topic: From Seed to Textile----the Green Journey of DuPontTMSorona(R) speaker:Du Pont China Holding Co, Ltd. | |
DOW XLA技術介紹 主講人:陶氏紡織纖維業(yè)務部 Topic:DOW XLA speaker: DOW Fiber Solution | |
15:40-16:20 |
2009春夏面料趨勢:女裝、男裝和休閑裝 主講人:Ms. Cinzia Gremmo, 總裁 意大利Italtex公司 Topic: Fashion trends for fabrics for Spring/Summer 2009: womenswear, menswear and casualwear Speaker:Ms. Cinzia Gremmo,President Italtex(Italy) | |
10月31日上午10.31 Morning | ||
中國紡織外貿專題講座 主講人:中紡網絡 Topic:Special Lecture on China Textile Foreign Trade Forum Speaker:China Textile Network Co., Ltd. | |
10:50-11:30 |
2008/09秋冬流行色展望 主講人:Mr. Tod Schulman 中國紡織信息中心海外顧問 Topic: 2008/09 A/W Fashion Color Trends Speaker: Mr. Tod Schulman, Overseas Consultant ChinaTextile Information Center | |
11:40-12:20 |
VIFF STYLE 08/09秋冬男裝流行趨勢解讀 主講人:王旭,《VIFF STYLE男裝設計》主編 中國紡織信息中心 Topic: VIFF STYLE08/09 A/W Menswear Trends speaker: Mr. Wang Xu, editor in chief of VIFF STYLE MENSWEAR ChinaTextile Information Center | |
10月31日下午10.31 Afternoon | ||
14:00-14:40 |
紡織商標的國際保護及境外注冊所需注意的幾點問題 主講人:程偉 紀凱知識產權代理有限公司高級合伙人/專利商標律師 Topic: The international protection and registration overseas concerning the trademark in the textile industry Speaker: Mr. David W. Cheng Senior Partner of Jeekai & Partners Ltd/Patent Attorney | |
14:50-15:30 |
如何應對后配額時代的國際紡織貿易壁壘––解讀REACH法規(guī) Topic: How to cope with the international trade barrier in textile and apparel area after the quotas cancelled––Analysis of REACH | |
15:40-16:20 |
紡織國際貿易糾紛的解決 主講人:穆子礪中國國際貿易促進委員會調解中心副秘書長 Topic: The resolution for the international textile trade disputes Speaker: Mr. Mu Zili, Deputy Secretary General of the Mediation Center, ChinaCouncil for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) | |
11月1日上午11.01 Morning | ||
9:30-10:10 |
為何美國積極的消費者傾向于購買機能型服飾 主講人:Mr. Roger Berrier, 商業(yè)運營副總裁 儀化宇輝化纖公司 Topic: Why the US Active Consumer buys Performance Apparel Speaker: Mr. Roger Berrier, Vice President of Commercial Operations YihuaUnifi Fibre Industry Company Limited | |
10:20-11:00 |
08/09秋冬Promostyl靈感及色彩趨勢 主講人:Ms. Feriel Karoui 中國紡織信息中心海外顧問 Topic: 2008/09 A/W Promostyl Influence and Colour Trend Speaker: Feriel Karoui, Overseas Consultant ChinaTextile Information Center | |
11:10-11:50 |
超臨界二氧化碳流體染色技術 主講人:于建明博士 福田實業(yè)有限公司 Topic: Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid Dyeing Technology Speaker: Dr J.M. YU Fountain Set Limited |