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Established in 1988, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT TEX) is named at the same time “Textile Industry Chamber of Commerce, China Chamber of International Commerce ” and “Textile International Trade Promotion Center”, which belongs to China National Textile & Apparel Council (CNTAC). CCPIT TEX is under the leadership of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China National Textile & Apparel Council (CNTAC). After its establishment , CCPIT TEX is devoted to the promotion of trade contact and economic cooperation in textile and garment industry and enterprises, CCPIT TEX is doing all the best for the continuous development of the textile industry.

The prime mission of CCPIT TEX:

1. Organizing various textile and garment exhibitions and trade fairs both at home and abroad.
2. Organizing activities on international trade and professional programs in textile circle.
3. Contacting international textile, garment and trade circles; inviting and hosting foreign technical personnel and trade delegations of textile and garment circle to China for international cooperation.
4. Organizing domestic delegation of international trade and technicians to abroad for business and extending international market, enlarging export and investment to overseas.
5. Undertaking collection and researching of trade and investment information; providing information and consultation service on trade and economic cooperation to domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations.
6. Handling various matters relating to the promotion of foreign trade, economic and technology cooperation.