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Vietnam's textile-apparel sector witnesses stable growth amid pandemic

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Vietnam’s textile and garment industry has witnessed stable growth despite the pandemic, recording an export turnover of $8.84 billion in the first quarter of 2022 with an increase of 22.5 per cent over the same period last year. Labour shortage in the sector during the pandemic has directly affected apparel manufacturers' production and business.


Over the past two years, particularly in the fourth wave of the pandemic, Vietnamese apparel firms have been facing difficulties due to disruption of the global supply chain, leading to a temporary closure of many companies.


For example, 8-3 Textile Co. Ltd. struggled with labour shortages worsened by the crush of new COVID cases forcing many into isolation. However, the company was flexible in changing shifts and rotating workers to ensure production and business activities.


The country has changed its strategy from a zero COVID policy to safe and flexible adaptation and effective control of the pandemic while recovering and developing the economy.


Textile and garment manufacturers under the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group have received orders until the end of the third quarter and the whole year due to their flexibility. The industry is expected to thrive and earn $43 billion in exports this year, according to a Vietnamese media report.