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Shaoxing of Zhejiang Province

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Located in eastern part of Hangzhou, Shaoxing covers an area of 1152 square kilometers with 720thousand population. GDP achieved by Shaoxing in 2001 reached 20.4billion yuan and the fiscal revenue 1.83billion yuan. Shaoxing ranked the first with regard of the overall economic strength in Zhejiang province for successive seventeen years.

Its long history as a large-scale domestic textile industrial city can be traced back to Tang Dynasty when the daily output of textile industry had attained a surprisingly high level. Since the reform and opening-up, the local government has enhanced the development of the textile industry, which exists mainly in form of township enterprises. In 2001 the overall output value of the textile industry reached 43.7billion yuan, profits 2.2billion yuan and export value 750million USD accounting for 78%,72% and 88% of the whole town. As the main resource of the fiscal revenue, textile industry makes a contribution of 53% of total fiscal revenue of the whole town each year. Shaoxing is crowned as "A Economically Strong Town on A Piece of Cloth".

There are more than 3800 textile enterprises in Shaoxing providing over 140thousand employments. Among all 30thousand looms, 72% equal to 22thousand are shuttless looms. The annual production capacity of the various kinds of fabrics reaches 2.1billion meters and garments 190million pieces. The dyeing and printing capacity of the town each year is 6.5billion meters. The domestically largest special market of textile industry---China Light Textile Industry City is located in Shaoxing, whose building area reaches 430thousand square meters and yearly trading volume exceeds 20billion yuan.

In order to establish the town as the international manufacturing center and trade center of textile products, Shaoxing pays appropriate attention to the intensive and competitive development of the textile industry. To transform Shaoxing from a large textile industrial town to a strong textile industrial town must take system renovation as impetus, technical innovation as key point, market exploration as fist and managerial reform as means.

Add: 129 Jianhulu, Keqiao, Shaoxing, Zhejiang

P.C.: 312030

Tel: 0086-575-4126020

Fax: 0086-573-4119177