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Jiangyin City of Jiangsu Province

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Jiangyin City lies in Yangzi Delta and is the first coastal city counting from Shanghai towards the upstream. In 2002, Jiangyin realized the GDP of 41billion RMB, the fiscal revenue in the budget of 4.5billion RMB, sales income of more than 100billion RMB and industrial taxes of 8.88billion RMB, ranking the first places among national top 100 cities and towns in term of economic competitiveness.

There are totally more than 2000 textile enterprises in Jiangyin town, among which 31 enterprises can realize sales income of more than 100million RMB each year and 6 are public listed companies. The overall output value of the textile industry of Jiangyin in 2002 reached 39.3billion RMB accounting for 36.42% of the total output of the city. As a complete sector, the textile industry in Jiangyin is composed of 9 sub-sectors including chemical fiber, cotton textile, wool textile, after-finishing of dyeing and printing , garment and textile machinery. Among them the wool textile sub-sector takes up nearly 40% of the total textile industry in possession of 560thousand woolen spindles including 300thousand worsted woolen spindles, which can produce 57million meters of worsted piece goods each year enjoying 25% of the domestic market. Jiangyin persists in upgrading its transitional industries by scientific technologies so as to continually improve the industrial level. 100% of imported worsted piece goods are knotless and shuttless, the chemical fiber industry is provided with advanced equipment from USA and Germany and the ratio of shuttless weaving of cotton looms reaches 50%.

Textile industry is listed as one of the five pillar industries deserving priority development by the municipal government of Jiangyin city. The local government points out that to produce worsted fabrics and high grade textile products is the development strategy for the textile industry, the textile industry must be developed into a large and strong one with an enhanced effect of cohesion and radiation and the overall quality of the industry must be lifted up.

Add:No.9 ChengJiang  M. Road, Jiangyin, Jiangsu

P.C. 214431

Tel: 0086-510-6861061

Fax: 0086-510-6861059

E-mail: jmj.jy@wst.net.cn